Cannot access to account

Hi, I had the older icon version of memrise. I had to log out to update my course on my app. When I tried to acces to the account the error “Something went wrong, try again” occurred. I’ve tried to update the app and to access with facebook or inserting password (I usually acceded easily with google) but nothing won’t work. I asked for a friend of mine to acces on his phone but the same error occured. Please … fix this as fast as possible. I use my course to prepare for an importan Korean exam (I’m studying Korean at university). I really need my memrise back.

I have a redmi note 7.

Thank you for your time.


Moreover, I’ve tried to access with multiple accounts but nothing changed. The web memrise functions perfectly. Only the app gives this problem.

I have an italian version of the app

If I try to create a new account by starting a new course, the same problem keeps occurring and I won’t be able to do nothing (Sorry for posting so much in different messages ugh ><)


Do you have any tips for this user?


I’m on redmi note 5 and can’t login to my account. tried reinstalling the app. didn’t help.
please memrise fix this.

I get error ‘whoa, something went wrong. might be the aliens again.’
not really funny right now.


Yup, I can imagine that doesn’t seem very funny at all :frowning:

@MemriseSupport; @MemriseOwen; @kevin5284

Both users have the same brand of phone, could that have anything to do with it? That these phones have missed out on an update or something?


My friend had an honor 8, same problem


Same here with Galaxy Tab A and Galaxy A50. I guess it’s an android issue.

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Same here on US Verizon Galaxy S9+ using Android 9/Pie OS

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Same situztion on Google Pixel 3
Web ok
App NG

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I have a same problem here with android app on a tablet…

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Same problem here. I tried with different android devices : my oneplus smartphone with android 9 and my samsung tablet with android 7…keep reding “error - something went wrong”. No problems on the website. It’s a shame, I have a paid subscription.

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It’s a three-day holiday weekend in the UK, guys, so the Memrise people may not be able to get back to you quickly.

I’ll tag @Joshua, who is their android expert, just in case he is around.


Thank you! It’s really frustrating :frowning: I want to add that the problem is not the latest version because I tried installing older versions downloading the apk from and the result is always the same.

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I can’t reach my account!!?
Using Oppo F9

Same with samsung s8
Hope aliens get back to their planet soon :slight_smile:

If you still want to study Memrise on your phone, you have to download the older version of it. You can google “memrise apkpure” and look for any versions before Feb 2019.
Good luck!

Try any versions before Feb 2019.
Good luck

Same problem here. Wasn’t able to log in yesterday, and the problem still persists today. (Samsung Galaxy Note 8)