Can we please get Mems back?

What made MEMErise Memrise was the crowd-sourced MEMES! Could you please bring them back? You could make it an option hidden in the settings with an age check and disclaimer.

Memrise has certainly lost the best mnemonic feature for learning, MEMES ! I miss the focus on the community-created content. It is starting to feel more like a desolated place rather than a fun interactive place.


Wait Memes?
Don’t you mean mems?

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Although you directly copied and pasted what I said without quoting me from this post :face_with_monocle: Can we please get Memes back!? At least as a secret feature!? - #2 by SKKreativ

I do agree :laughing: having settings of some sort to have better content control would undoubtedly be ideal!


Yes please bring Mems back… I didn’t understand why suddenly a few weeks ago I couldn’t see or create Mems anymore in my Android App.

Please, Mems are REALLY important in order to learn for me.

P.S. Does someone know why they removed them?

Thanks a lot to all and have a great day.


Couldn’t bother to write my own.



Yes, closing the thread definitely makes it seem like there aren’t hundreds of comments where people are telling you over an EXTENDED period of time how mad they are about this. :roll_eyes: Everyone, please look here at the ACTIVE thread they closed to make themselves look better, in case you need background, including an explanation for WHY they are even gone in the first place. (Spoiler: there actually isn’t a good/customer-centric reason, and they said it was temporary, then reneged, and then said it was temporary again, then reneged again, etc. It’s all there plain as day.)

Mems removal is scheduled for Monday 5 September - Welcome to the Forum! / Memrise Announcements - Memrise

That memrise thinks people won’t come looking for an explanation thread even though people were literally still commenting on it…man, you guys treat your customers terribly. It’s truly remarkable. It’s almost your brand at this point, gaslighting your customers. There are clearly still people coming out of the woodwork to complain that you just freaking cremated their Mems, but you want to act like this is a new thing, and Mems? What Mems? That’s just a charming old thing from back in the day that a few nuts are just randomly asking for the return of in this tiny thread, and see how few of them there are? It’s so gross, you guys.


Yes please! Can we get mems back?

Was it a technical toll on the servers or something?

I just subscribed for a lifetime membership and I honestly kinda regret it. I picked up the courses I left, noticing that I was vividly remembering the mems associated to learned words but couldn’t see them and I just thought that maybe it was just disabled in the settings somewhere and I just needed to re-enable them - I searched and found this… How very sad. :frowning:


Mems were very important to many people I know, and I have no idea WHY MEMRISE deleted them. Just listen to your users!


I start to learn in Memerise about 10 years ago. It was so different and unik because of mems. I put more than 1500 mems, pics of my own in Memrise. Specially kids like to learn with mems. And now they are all gone. I forgot to save them. I am sad, so sad.


That’s so sad @paivikarppi16 and others.

You aren’t alone in being surprised and sad at the changes over the years.


I thought it had to do with a subset of users abusing them for spam/advertising/sexualised references/hate speech etc, and Memrise needing to find a way of vetting them to avoid the legal implications (and presumably without having to sign off each Mem created manually)?


They are rebuilding everything, changing the whole idea about Memrise, going to change Memrise into Memworld. Mems are hindering them technically and most likely ideologically. Also I suppose they don’t like much old-timey people who like mems and criticizing Memrise team on every turn, so it’s a way to get rid of them too.


Definitely not old-timey. Only had my account for a year and a half, and yet here I am, criticizing. :woman_shrugging:


If we could even just create our own that only we can see…or even just have a notes feature at all…or a thousand other things besides just gutting the memory tool that inspired the literal name of the website.


Having our own (private ones) is a great idea.
But we used to benefit from others who came up with great ideas.

Guess we need a little book to write them down in, or a better a word file that we can sort (put in order) and search on.


If I get time, I’m going to add those that were saved and my own, as an entry in the courses I look after.
However they’ll only be visible on the web, not the app.


I agree. Get MEMES back.


Wow, I just discovered this, and I am shocked. Of course, I paid for this product all out right, and so they already have my money and I have already uploaded all of my mems as well. Now it’s just a waste of my time what really made this product different and what I bragged about to everybody was the exact way that it works with tricks and ways that you can memorize words. Now it’s exactly like any other language app. What a waste! I can’t believe they led people down such a path, only to take away the one key differentiator. That’s not a feature, It’s what their whole product was based on, unbelievable! :rage:


I also want mems back. They were so useful to learn Chinese characters. Why didn’t Memrise warn app users that they would vanish? Not even a notification… If they had, I would have made backups.

I really loved @BenWhately 's HSK courses. Did anyone save his mems?


Yes, generally I’m not happy with the mems (memes?) being removed. Not it’s way more difficult to use mnemotechnics for new and difficult words, basically I need to invent new mems by myself. Not happy