母のリサです - Can Someone Explain the Grammar?

From Japanese I, Level 13.

Thanks, if you can explain the structure here.

Hi @DavidRichardson97

Thank you for learning on our Japanese course!

So, this literally translates to “My mother-'s-Lisa-is”.
(**母 means “my mother” because this is a humble form of saying “my mother” and you will always use the humble form to describe your family to people OUTSIDE your family. I.e. You wouldn’t/shouldn’t really say “お母さん” if you’re talking about her to people who’s not from your family.*)

”母のリサです” is equivalent to “母であるリサです” - This is Lisa, who is my mother"
It’s saying リサです- ‘this is Lisa’, but adding the information of Lisa at the front.

Other examples of this structure is:
ペットのポチです。This is my pet, Pochi
上司(じょうし)の山田です。This is my boss, Yamada
宿題(しゅくだい)のプリントです。These are the papers for homework
前菜(ぜんさい)のサラダです。This is the salad for your starter