Can people see my added mem when I'm the deck creator?

I’m creating a deck on a subject on It seems the only way of adding images (called mem) is to start learning my deck (=course) and then I can add mem.

Here are my questions:
1- Will them be available for other users? Can other people see the mem that I have added to the deck in my learning process?
2- By removing my learning session, will mem be there if I return to the course later for a new learning session?

I think it is the case that our mems become linked to a word in a specific database. So, if when you create a course in, let’s say Spanish, and you include a word that is in an existing Spanish database that either your course or another Spanish course draws from, and you then add a mem to that word when learning it, it could be seen by other people if/when that word appears in the Spanish course they are learning. Currently, Memrise limits us to seeing a maximum of seven mems for each word/item. So, if an item has more than seven mems linked to it, it is possible that your mem will not appear among the seven that are displayed for people to choose from. I think this is the case regardless of whether you set your course to ‘public’ or ‘unlisted’.

I hope this helps. If any of this is wrong, no doubt someone will post a better answer.