Can Not Load Message

My screen shows that there are words to review. This works when there are a large number of words, but when the number of words to review is small, I keep getting a “Sorry Can Not Load” message. This has also happened for lessons. (I’m learning Spanish, both Spain and Mexico courses, using a desktop computer, Mac OS 10.13.6)

Does it have to do with a CSRF error by any chance? I seem to keep getting that on my end.

Sorry, I’m not tech savvy enough to know what a CSRF error is. I was hoping to get some assistance from the app developer.

I’m not sure whether I understand your problem (I’m just another user), but I’ll tag @MemriseMatty and @MemriseSupport, maybe they can be of assistance.

CSRF error normally appears when editing Mems. If you see this error in other situations, feel free to post some screenshots for further investigation :slight_smile:

Do you have any screenshots or screen recordings of the error?

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Thanks man! It also seems to have resolved from using Vivaldi and Opera.

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