Can I combine multiple sets?

So, I am in a language course that has pre-built card sets by chapter, and started using Memrise a bit late. Is there a way to combine previous card sets into one huge set, and add new card sets to that big group as I progress through the course? Say I’m on unit 10. Instead of reviewing 1-9 individually, can I combine the pre-built 1-9 sets into a review set? Then when I finish chapter 10, move it into that set as well?
Again, new to Memrise and I’ve been trying to find a way to do this so any help would be appreciated!

Welcome @sydneyegan

Memrise will organize your reviewing sets according to your success in remembering them. They will come up for review automatically (you can see when, on the web version, when you go into each level, days, hours or even minutes are informed after each word)

In Memrise the number of words for review are shown in a light blue box or circle. (Orange for grobbles or difficult words, green for new words left to learn on the app)

If you wish to review words that are not up for review, you can only work from each level, I believe you need to go into each level and click/tap review (I do not work that way so could be mistaken)

Each “reviewable” reviewed word will be worth different points depending on their “age” (up to 160 I believe without bonus). The “forced” reviewed words are worth only 5 points.

Does that answer your questions?

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