Calendar / point tracking is off

There are couple of annoying things wrong with the calendar under “Your learning history for the last 365 days.”

I’m on Safari, but have the same issue in Chrome.

First, when you mouse over the calendar day on your “Your learning history for the last 365 days” it shows the wrong day of the week and date—it’s a day ahead. The “M” “W” “F” on the left hand side also don’t line up with the on-mouse-over day of the week and date.

Second, also for the “Your learning history for the last 365 days” function, the day turns over about 3 hours too early. I’m on Eastern time, and I start building up “learning events” for Monday—as indicated by the M, W, F on the left hand side—at about 9PM.

The chart with your learning history for the last 365 days is on GMT, regardless of what your timezone set at. Of course, that only explains why the day rolls over early. The date is still wrong.

As far as I can remember, the date on the learning history chart has been off by one since Memrise came out with Pro when your computer clock is set to a North or South American time zone.

If your computer is set to an Asian or Australian time zone, the date on the chart is correct, but learning events earned early in the morning don’t show up until after 12am GMT. I believe you still get credit for them, and they’ll show up on the correct day; they’re simply hidden for a few hours.

(Yes, this is a bug…)

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I don’t think they show up on the correct day. At least they didn’t in my case – I “missed” a day when I had a big deadline and a had very much to do, so I reached my course goals right after midnight, and then went back to work.

The deadline passed, I had a good night’s sleep, and came back the next morning, and I had a big fat zero on my ‘last 365 days’ chart. My course goals were intact, but the big one was broken.

What time zone are you in? If you are 1-4 hours ahead of GMT (Europe or eastern Europe), that could explain it. For example, if you did Memrise between midnight and 1am on a Tuesday in your time zone, it would have still been Monday before midnight GMT. Your individual course goals got met for Tuesday, but on the ‘last 365 days’ chart, those learning events applied to Monday.

Yeah, I know why it happened, I was just too busy at the time to do too much thinking.

I just said that as an example that no, your learning does not show up on the right day, after all, like you theorised. :slight_smile: