Hi. I want to repeat my words, but the button doesn’t work.
Help please.
There is the screenshot here.
Hi. I want to repeat my words, but the button doesn’t work.
Help please.
There is the screenshot here.
I am using Windows and Mozilla. The button doesn’t work in total review. Hm. My English is not very well… The button “Далее” is working in every course, in classical review, but it doesn’t work in total review for all courses. I hope, I explain clearly =)
Can’t help with the button issue (1-3 days ago the “Save button” in the PAUSE screen did not work anymore and I lost all points when I “X” my session).
But have you tried to hit the ENTER hotkey on your computer keyboard?
This usually triggers the “Next” to the following question once your answer is right.
With Memrises default “Auto accept” where your answer was marked green, the jump to the NEXT question shall be happen automatically…or you have disabled it by a user script.
However I have to admit, that I just do single course review, and I do not use the global review button for a specific language filter.
Maybe the problem behind your bug is the same as here: Save button not working
Unfortunately, to date no solution provided and I am not sure Memrise staff is working on it…