Bulk add only definition to level adds to db

According to the documentation, if i bulk add to a level with only one column in the added data, it should populate the list with definitions from the database.
I have already added all of my words to the db, but when i try the above, it adds the words without a second column to the level and also to the db.
Is this broken or am i doing something wrong? (Db search works for single entries)

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That depends on how reliable you think MRs own help pages are

Method 2 - for adding long lists of words all at once, e.g. from a spreadsheet:

Click on the ‘Advanced’ button. Then select ‘Bulk add items’.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Adding a list of words without translations/definitions:

Copy the list of words that you want to add, and then paste it into the ‘Add words’ box.

Click ‘ADD’.

Memrise will search the dictionaries for all of the words that you have pasted in, and will add them to the database if there are matches.

Where there were no matches in the dictionaries you can double click on the definition field and add your own definition.
