Bug reports guidelines - Please read this before posting a new bug report

If you have found an issue using Memrise and would like to report it, please read our guidelines first.

Many times, unexpected behaviour is mistaken for a broken or nonfunctional feature. Before submitting a bug report, please do use the Search feature to see if threads about the issue you are experiencing already exist.

We are enforcing a strict bug reporting policy, which means that if your report doesn’t meet the criteria, it will be ignored or removed.

Please note:

  • Only technical issues are to be reported. Any Content issues should be reported in their corresponding forums.

Your report must include

  • Your Memrise Username
  • Device and Platform used when experiencing the issue (web, web on mobile, Android app, iOS app). If you experience the issue on more than one platform, provide details of all of them.
  • If on mobile, specify device make and model, OS version and Memrise App version
  • Date of first occurrence
  • Frequency of occurrence
  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue

If possible, please also include

  • Screenshots and/or videos of the problem


  • Individual reports will only receive a reply if our Technical team requires more information.
  • If you do not receive a reply, we are most likely already aware and working on the issue you reported.
  • In the event of a critical issue, a status report will be announced to the community via this forum category.
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We are enforcing a strict bug reporting policy, which means that if your report doesn’t meet the criteria, it will be ignored or removed.

Your report must include…

What does “report” refer to, emails sent to “Help/Support” or posts made here? I suppose it refers to posts made here, but I don’t see this policy enforced.

I spent a lot of time filling out the required info when I created my thread here, as requested, but I’ve seen other users not providing the info and their threads are entertained all the same. So is the policy real or not?

We are fighting over Memrise’s attention here. If I fulfilled the requirements and other users didn’t, I hope to see me entertained and their reports “ignored or removed” as stated in the policy.

Thank you.

what for a fancy “bug report policy”! :grin: the poor user thinks thrice if s/he should bother the team and her/himself with such iniquitous matters :confused: