Bug reports guidelines - Please read this before posting a new bug report (iOS)

If you have found an issue using the Memrise iOS app and would like to report it, please read our guidelines first. :point_down:

Many times, unexpected behaviour is mistaken for a broken or nonfunctional feature. Before submitting a bug report, please do use the Search feature to see if threads about the issue you are experiencing already exist.

We are enforcing a strict bug reporting policy, which means that if your report doesn’t meet the criteria, it will be ignored or removed.

Please note:

  • Only technical issues are to be reported. Any Content issues should be reported in their corresponding forums.

Your report must include

  • Your Memrise Username
  • Your device model, OS version and Memrise app version used when experiencing the issue (if you experience the issue on more than one platform, provide details of all of them).
  • Date of first occurrence
  • Frequency of occurrence
  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue

If possible, please also include

  • Screenshots and/or videos of the problem


  • Individual reports will only receive a reply if our Technical team requires more information.
  • If you do not receive a reply, we are most likely already aware and working on the issue you reported.
  • In the event of a critical issue, a status report will be announced to the community via this forum category.

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