BUG: missing audio phrases when using app offline

I’m using the latest version of Memrise on Android (2.9_3861_memrise) and I generally offline courses as I do my learning on the train (with a very unreliable data connection). I’m increasingly finding that offline downloading doesn’t store 100% of the audio phrases, some are missing.

This is highly frustrating as the app doesn’t appear to cater for this well. For example, on the “Select the audio for the word” above tests one or more of the audio clips are disabled/greyed out. If the answer you need to select is one of those disabled clips then you are stuffed! Here’s a particularly bad screen grab where all three phrases are missing and the app shows three disabled audio clips which you can’t select. Nothing to do but exit the session!

It also impacts the “Type what you hear” tests (I’ll add a screen grab in a moment) when the audio clip it tries to play is missing. You don’t hear anything and have little idea what to type! Sometimes you can guess what it is by looking at the available letters below but not always.

I’m not 100% sure if the issues I’m seeing are to do with the courses being used offline, but it seems relatively consistent that I only come across the above issues when offline, so I’m making a bit of an assumption about the nature of the problem. Regardless it is very frustrating when you come across such an issue. The app should either download all audio clips, or it should deal more gracefully with missing audio clips (ie not choosing them as audio clips in the above two test types).


And here’s a second example of the bug with a “Type what you hear” test. The audio clip button is disabled, no audio plays, and you don’t have any idea what to type (well, in this case I can guess it’s probably “Canada” from the available letters, but this isn’t meant to be an anagram puzzle!)

I have this problem too on my iPod touch (5th gen).

Same is happening in my app for spanish and japanies.

Very same issue for me: Android version 6.0 on a Wiko Fever, Memrise version: 2.9_3901_memrise

same problem here, very frustrating!
French 1 on my Lenovo P2 with Marshmallow

Me too. A little bit disappointing this hasn’t been fixed by now.

A full year later and still not fixed, is anyone home?.

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audio is still not working. I’m using 6.0 marshmallow too, and now upgraded to 7.0… memrise should fix this!

I removed the downloaded database file for this course and downloaded it again. I worked properly.

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