Bug longstanding: "Continue learning could not be loaded"

When I try continuing to learn new word, I get this error message.

“Oops! Continue learning could not be loaded
For some reason, Continue Learning could not be loaded. Why don’t you return to the home page and try again? Please use the following template to provide all the requested details and help us investigate faster.”

I experience this bug since months - before and after the relaunch. When I last reported, I got the reply that the relaunch might causes some trouble. It still occurs at web as well as android app level. Just when I puch new word. In contrast, the learning mode seems to work when going into an individual levels and start learning there.

The course is a self developed one: Urdu für Anfänger (Deutsch) اردو - by yesyesyesyes - Memrise … Now empty rows, no grammar lessons.

I pay for the pro membership.

Would be great, to get it finally fixed.

Hi @yesyesyesyes, please check level 67, you’re missing a German translation for ۔۔۔ کا جی چاہنا کی :slightly_smiling_face: