I’m not complaining. Just wanted to show how immersion mode looks. I haven’t got time to put it under bug control yet. I’m using the latest Android on ASUS ZenFone2
Here’s a screenshot of how immersion mode looks
I made it only because it was the second time today when multiple choice test in immersion gave me all the same answers
So, just out of interest, where was she from?
I have another one for you. If you haven’t studied traditional Chinese characters before … give it a crack anyway.
It’s not the same issue but it is another thing that needs to be looked at in the multiple choice answer options that are presented to the user.
I don’t want to spoil it for everyone so I’m not revealing the answer here.
Hi Atikker, can you please send me the course link?
Thank you
Sorry, I don’t remember which Spanish course was it.
This level has phrases from first two screenshots:
Then it must be this course. Thanks =)
Yes @Atikker, we are still looking into this issue. Sadly, this is not a simple fix as with most multiple choice bugs.
Okay, then =)
Also this happens to me sometimes:
I think there should be a way how to skip this, because I don’t thik this is a problem with my connection.
When I close the android keyboard by pressing the back button, there is no way how to bring it back.
I think it happens in all of them (I study spanish 4,5,6) This for example is from Spanish 6:
My phone: