Hi I am running a recent version of Android (Android 9) on my Nokia 7 plus.
I have never had problems with Memrise and use a pro account.
A couple days ago I saw all my courses that I had downloaded had been removed from my phone, probably because of an update.
So I redownloaded the courses I use; 2 of them went to 100% those were courses using audio and pictures.
However 3 others that only use text (they are not huge in file size and I have plenty of space left on my phone) do not download.
I noticed because the first, after clicking download, just remained stuck on 0% in my notification bar. I was on wifi and tried multiple times, no budge. Even now after all the steps described below it stays at 0%, I can load the course and do lessons but not download it.
I tried loging out and back in again, big mistake!
The 2 big courses downloaded fine but other than the one stuck at 0% the other 2 (also just text and no audio so very light courses) caused the app to flip out when trying to download them offline!
Notifications keep on flashing on and off for a few micro seconds; downloading course … 0% and it goes on and on.
I cancelled the downloads of these 3 courses, closed the app and even restarted my phone but the app remembers I wanted to download them and the flashing continues soon as I reopen the app.
It drains my battery and made the app unusable!
After manually cancelling them on their course pages the flashing stopped; so 2 cause short, repeated notifications and 1 stays stuck at 0% when trying to download.
How do I fix this? How can I download these 3 courses without the entire app flipping out?? They used to work just fine.
Just to add to this topic; I installed the Memrise version released in August (an older version) and the downloading of these mentioned courses works just fine.
After that I updated to the newest version and the courses stuck (didn’t go missing), so the problem is solved for me at least. Still I think it is worth a mention because it was a very odd bug. Most certainly I am not going to log out now to see if it will happen again.