Bring back the Memrise levels


Please see here for information on the issue

I am taking to the forums. Memrise bosses have been ignoring the will of the people. There have been many comments on brining the old system back. I am taking to the forums to get my voice heard. The community has spoke. But memrise has not responded. Why do memrise bosses not want to reply to the people.

This forum is for anyone else to join the fight to be part of the movement to bring the old system back. Memerise should at least give us the courtacy of repying. These people should reply. They can’t keep ignoring us. THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN.

Memrise is for learning. We want the old system back. This is what MEMERISE BOSES NEED TO LEARN

Anyone wants to help with the camping send me a message of leave a post.




This is the exact email I have sent to memrise to open dialogue and to find a peaceful solution to the issue. I will inform when there is a response.


As a memrise user it has come to my attention that there is much displeasure in the community over the change in the new mascot. We believe that the new system does not encourage learning to the same effect. With the old system there was points and titles. This system is infentile and foolish.

There are many posts here which show the issue. At present there has been no response from memrise boses. There are many people complaing but no response. As a memrise user I am giving you the opportunity to have dialogue so we can negotiate why the new system has been put in place and see if we can come to a reaslution.

I want to resolve this quickly and peacefully, many people are showing their displeasure and the only people that haven’t been effected by the change are people that have joined after it. 

I hope that I can open dialogue and get a resultion to this which I can share with the community. I believe that this is the best approach.


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We have a thread for this.

They’re not considering doing anything with Ziggy until they have finished a study.

I also had no idea memrise had a blog.

Ziggy is Memrise’s Mac Cube…

i’m starting to hate everything at memrise
it gradually becomes worse and worse
i started with it 4 years ago, and there is just no improvement
i wonder how long it will take before they abolish the personal global leaderboards
i’m sure they will do it
it’s no use having leaderboards if you can’t activate following people by using the course leaderboards

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memrise is just trying to abuse the users to draw money out of them

What’s the psychology behind it? Why pay for something you hate?

In fact, that thesis sounds dumb enough for memrise to adopt haha.

I have sent another message to memrise bosses


Is there going to be a reply for my message as the people are waiting for one. I have been asked to post the reply on the forums by another member and I want to be able to show that we have made progress.

This situation isn’t going away and I hope that we can come to a resolution so I am asking again peacefully for a response so that this situation can be resolved.

I want this situation to be resolved quickly and peacefully and I am sure you want the same.

Jake Symons