Blank questions with no correct answers

Hi, I am starting to learn Russian using Memrise on my iPad, but I have hit an obstacle I cannot get past. There are now questions turning up with no text (or sound cue), which always gives me incorrect whatever I choose. Because the app wants to drill the knowledge properly into me, it will keep popping up the very same questions agian and again, leaving me stuck.

One of the answers is always blank, so it appears to be similar to this forum topic, however logging out and back in does not make any difference for me

When I choose any answer, it is regarded as incorrect and the app gives me a reminder (as it is supposed to when a wrong answer is chosen), but typically for a cyrillic letter which is not among the available choices.

I would post screenshots, but the forum won’t let me use too many inks.

I forgot to mention, I have been using an iPad mini 1 and just now wanted to continue on my iPad mini 2, which is where I am seeing this problem. I have not yet verified that the issue also occurs on the iPad mini 1. I’ll post tomorrow about that. My iOS version is 9.3.2.

I have now verified that yes, the same happens on the iPad mini 1, also running iOS 9.3.2.

I’m having the same trouble, man! But I’m learning German… The word “zero” doesn’t appears to me in German, and when I looked for the meaning, there is no way to out the correct answer.

Never found a fix to my problem. On multi-choice questions I still regularly get 3 options and one blank.

Maybe the forum would let me post screenshots one by one at least.

Sorry for wrong order. The previous one is the reminder that came when answering this question.

It would be fantastic if you gave us the course link and also the letter which doesn’t appear.

I am having the same problem with two of my Japanese courses. I contacted Memrise on Twitter and they said to use the Help & Support page on the app. Couldn’t find anything to resolve the issue. Told them that and I never got a reply back.

The course is “Russian 1” - the one coming with a default installation of Memrise, focusing on basic words like Hello and Good night, as well as the Cyrillic alphabet. I don’t know where I would find a link to it? I’m currently at level 4, if that makes any difference.

I cannot type the character in question as I don’t have the Cyrillic keyboard on my iPad, but it’s the one pictured in the reminder in my screenshot above (the lampshade). There’s also another character, which resembles 3 and is pictured as a zebra and a third which is pictured as a gallows. Hope that helps.

Good news! Instead of just continuing on the planned learn new words exercise, I selected the current level and chose to review. That completed successfully, and after that was done, going through a learn new words also worked again, so overriding the planned exercise seems to have cleared up whatever had gone wrong. Let’s hope that workaround can work for others too!

Before finding this workaround, I also tried to dabble in another language (Turkish). The error did not occur on the exercises there, but it still persisted on the Russian until I found the workaround above.

That does look like a different problem, yes. At least, the symptoms are not quite the same, as your question is present but all the answers are blank.

Sorry, just shooting in the dark here, but you could try to start a review on another level than the one you’re currently on, to be sure that the quiz gets populated with something else - hopefully replacing the current broken content.

If that doesn’t work, then I guess you’re still stuck trying whatever actions you can take like I did.

Hi @bovi36, I’ve done some intensive testing regarding Russian 1 and unfortunately I am unable to reproduce your problem.

All characters and text are presented to me inside the learning session and presentation screen. I’ve tested using iPhone 5, iPhone 6/6s and iPad mini.

Can you please log out and back into the application. Please note, by doing so all downloaded content will need to be downloaded again.

in the web version as well: since yesterday all courses i’m reviewing seem affected by the addition of blank entries. I’ve checked the databases in my own courses, there were no blank entries. However, blank entries do appear every now and then in all my courses

Well, as I stated earlier, logging out and back in did not make any difference - it also persisted on both of the iPad devices. However, I have now worked around the problem by manually selecting another exercise than the one suggested by the application - and so I cannot either reproduce this anymore.

To clarify, the problem continued to persist while I chose the button at the bottom of the screen to go to the planned exercise (Learn new words), but when I chose my current level and a Review, it apparently cleared out what was wrong by loading a fresh set of questions - or maybe the several days gone by since the error occurred made it obsolete instead?

I would venture a guess that the problem could lie in the procedure that selects questions for a quiz, and that once the questions are selected with errors, the set is persisted in your database until another set is created to replace it. My reasoning is that the very same questions got the problem on both my devices, so it seems there must be something on the server side causing it rather than the application. Because people have been reporting the error in quite a few different courses, it doesn’t look like you’ll find anything in a specific course - also there’s that the course is now working just fine for me (and you), suggesting the same.

I would suggest to take a look in your database, seeing if you can spot anything wrong with the current quiz questions for some user which is saying they’re experiencing a concrete problem at the moment (unlike me right now). That’s assuming that I’m correct that the current quiz is stored in the database, of course.

A candidate for investigation would be StuOnTour, perhaps? Or just search the entire current quiz answer table for null/blank values?

Just letting you know that it has occurred again, and the same workaround worked again. Next time it happens, I’ll postpone doing the workaround and let you know, so you can investigate.