I cancelled my subscription a year ago, the 5th of November of 2018. I was susbscribed with Google Pay subscriptions, cancelled and refunded with them without a problem after two years of subscribing to you. Haven’t used the app since, but got billed the 5th of November of 2019.
I’ve tried talking with support but they say they can’t do anything about it, even though I cancelled the subscription a year ago an in the worse case I am in the 30-day-refund period for the full-year subscription.
It seems to be a bug on you communitacion with Google, but already spoke with Google and they refuse to do anythoing about it. What is the next step? I confirmed with my bank that I got billed with the concept of:
Memrise Pro - Annual International 50 (Memrise: Learn a new language)
23,50 EUR
23,50 EUR
The automatic link for https://www.memrise.com/premium/refunds/ doesn’t work, and my account doesn’t have the Premium features enabled. This seems a bug on your side, but support refueses to help.
Contact Memrise support. Well, good luck with that, too, I sent them a form two weeks’ ago that was never answered. So I cancelled my yearly subscription.
I did, and their reply was “Welp, we can’t do anything about it!”. I don’t even have access to the Premium features! My bank has fraud protection and they will initiate proceedings if they don’t give it back.
I’ll tag @MemriseSupport and @MemriseMatty, maybe they can assist.
Hi @Alexmontboik,
As confirmed in our emails, we looked for this transaction with the details you provided and could not locate any charge processed in 2019 on our Google Play Order Management system. Since we are looking for this transaction on a tool developed and provided by Google, and this charge is not appearing, please note that:
- We won’t be able to issue a refund
- It looks like this is an issue with Google Play rather than Memrise
Unfortunately there’s nothing else we can do on our side.
As confirmed in our emails, if you do manage to find the relevant GPA number, please do let us know and we’ll try again on the system mentioned above.
For further details about this, we do recommend you to get in touch with Google directly, as they will be able to give you more information about this - https://support.google.com/googleplay/
Apologies for any inconvenience.
Best wishes,
Memrise team.
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