Best/recommended way to Use "Difficult Words" button?

I got the membership but one of the main features, difficult words button, I don’t think I use effectively. After a lesson, I see that there a few difficult words. The system encourages me to push the button and review the words. Let’s say there is only one word. Typically, after I get that one word right on review, it still appears in the difficult word list. If I get it right again, then it goes away. If I get it wrong, then it stays on the list for two more review cycles.

But for me to quickly run through the difficult word list twice while I push the difficult word button just after I’ve taken the lesson hardly seems like the effective way of doing this. After all, after I got the word wrong in the lesson, I now have freshly in mind the correct word and am likely to get it right twice.

If I don’t review using the button at all, then don’t the difficult words get injected at a higher frequency in my next words review? So what is the best way to use this feature?


you can also chose to put words into difficult words… you can click on that green lightining or whatever and put them into difficult and they stay there until you take them off… for example you do a session on a course and right after they show you all the words you went trough in a list and they have in the left side that lightining… try… it is very good for me…

it will be interesting to see what people think is the best way of using this feature - personally I have give up on Difficult Words for the time being, given how differently the web version and the app flag them, it fells quite pointless to run after them, so I mainly rely on the increased frequency for having gotten them wrong.

I usually wait until I have 20 or more difficult words and then review them once. Those that are gone then: fine, the others that need a second cycle have to wait until I hit the 20 threshold again.


I normally leave the difficult words there for a while - several hours or to the next day - and then leave a bit more time after reviewing them before I do any watering of that course. That spreads out the times between seeing them, and seems to be the best way to make myself remember them.


from what i understood he was asking regarding the premium… and with premium you have the option to chose your difficult words yourself… for me it is useful on kanjis and in chinese writing the most… and also started doing speed reviews, which i was ignoring, and they go hand in hand so well… improved my learning rate so much… mostly on chinese and japanese…