I want to learn Hindi, because I am going to India for three months, starting somewhere next year.
I see number of Hindi courses. I don’t have a book and no knowledge of language or script - I even don’t know hello, yes or no.
What would be a good suggestion for a Memrise course to start?
I’ve tried to search if there was similar topic, but couldn’t find it. And thank you all as usual!
Hi John,
I suggest getting a copy of Rupert Snell’s “Teach Yourself Hindi Complete”. The audio files are excellent and it will take you a long way. He also has a companion volume for learning Devanagari script, which will greatly add to your understanding and general ability to understand both the spoken and written language. The podcast covers a lot of the same material but is much more relaxed in tone - https://hindiurduflagship.org/resources/learning-teaching/podcasts/ .
https://www.memrise.com/course/37909/1000-hindi-words-for-beginners/ is taken from Snell’s book and is well-constructed. The lessons follow the chapters, so don’t feel pressured to complete the entire course.
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Late reply - Thank you! Trying it now.
Follow up Reply:
I discovered that Ruperts Snell’s book comes roughly in two flavors:
the complete beginners to internmediate one - first unit is about meeting Pratap
the beginners one - first unit is about being in the areoplane
Two editions: A blue book 2003 edition, "Teach Yourself Hindi Complete Course"by Rupert Snell et al. (But the word ‘Complete Course’ is actually not in the title)
Teach Yourself Hindi: Complete Course (Teach Yourself Language Complete Courses) (Hindi Edition) [Snell, Rupert, Weightman, Simon] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Teach Yourself Hindi: Complete Course (Teach Yourself Language...
This is a course that teaching that vocab on:
I have the book and can confirm that level 1 exactly follows the blue book.
A white book 2011 or 2014 ‘Complete Hindi (Teach Yourself)’
A Grey book (man with umbrella) - only one edition 2003/2004
[“Teach Yourself Beginner’s Hindi (Teach Yourself Beginner’s Languages) by Rupert Snell (2003-11-28)”] (https://www.amazon.com/Yourself-Beginners-Languages-Rupert-2003-11-28/dp/B01JXTLFJI )
The courese you suggested is for this Beginners book (the intro to the course says ‘complete’ which is not correct).
I think the following are also from the BEGINNERS Hindi, but I don’t own the book, so difficult to verify:
Teach Yourself Hindi - by deactivated user - Memrise (I think the pic is NOT of the book of the vocab in this course).
https://www.memrise.com/course/1295891/teach-yourself-hindi-complete-course/ (says ‘complete’ but vocab is different from the white and blue book)
And to be complete, of course the one you suggested:
+1000 Hindi Words for Beginners - by thebiglearner - Memrise
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