I hope this is the right category (seems like there may be enough interest for a separate Georgian or Caucasus Language category at this point).
The issue I’m seeing with this course (115488/begineners-georgian-2) is that some of the recordings don’t match the text vocabulary. A few are missing recordings all together, which makes the listening exercises impossible, but one in particular is the vocab lesson for “bus” - it is using the plural recording (avtobusebi) for both bus (“avtobusi”) and buses. So there is no way to know if the answer will be the singular or plural.
If this is an abandoned course, I’d be happy to help fix it!
I’m new to Memrise (created an account today) so I haven’t seen this post before. I’ve no idea how to set about getting it fixed, but I can see why it occurred: The CD of the book only has the plural form of the word, but both singular and plural forms exist in the vocabulary list in the book itself. It might even have been fixed already, as I cannot yet figure out how to check without pretending to learn a pile of other words that I have just learned before signing up to Memrise.
It is one of many glitches with the book/CD, which are probably replicated on Memrise. Overall I am not sure how much most of these matter, as most are pretty obvious to anyone who has got so far in the course, but it certainly doesn’t give a professional impression, and it grates on my pedantic nature…
I have heavily annotated my copy of the book, so I can easily find a lot of these errors, and help fix them too if that is possible and thought to be useful.