Ban Direct Translations in MEMS?

In the German decks I am using, I have noticed over the last year or two that the MEMS in these courses have become almost useless. Instead of useful tips, funny memes and photos, all I see are direct Arabic translations of the words. Effectively, these Arab-speaking German learners are highjacking the MEMS, instead of taking the time to make their own Arabic-to-German decks. This is very thoughtless and has severely diminished the usefulness of MEMS on Memrise decks.

Proposal: Ban direct, word-for-word translations in MEMS.

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It’s quite common that people (like myself, BTW!) learn EN-*, simply due to the fact that there is no equivalent course in the respective native language. So, naturally, you’ll find Mems in other languages.
And most of what I see across my courses is phrases in various languages, so banning word-for-word translations wouldn’t help much (and it would be very hard to implement anyway).

However, if you iterate over them, your last choice will be remembered (at least in the Android app, which is what I use most of the time).

If I was to propose anything, it would be a simple ignore function for Mems …

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The other suggestion that many here have offered is to enable a rating system for MEMS, so the best and most useful will rise to the top (be seen first) and the less-useful direct translations, hopefully, will sink to the bottom.


I totally agree, a rating system would help minimise this issue :+1:

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I’m with you guys, but reconsider what @TLearns wrote: “all I see are direct Arabic translations”. Assuming there’s either one guy who writes one Mem per word, it’d be alright. If there’s a whole bunch of guys? I have some course (don’t recall, too many! :slight_smile: ) where like every word contains 2-3 Russian translations that aren’t particularly helpful to me. But if those guys up-rate their Mems, you’d be left with … what? :smile:

I don’t see much of anything happening in the short term anyway, so we might as well talk until we’re blue in the face … :wink:


Haha, yeah, that’s why I said “hopefully” the MEM rating system would work. :sweat_smile: Definitely the banning of direct translations would!

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