"Auto accept" bug accepting too early with typing - not compatible with parathensis and following words


@MemriseSupport @MemriseMatty @Lien

I found a new “Auto accept” bug / incompatibility with your offical Memrise PT BR 6 course:

EN translation: an apology
Typing in PT: um (pedido de) perdão

As soon after I enter “um” the answer field will be highlighted green and the web portal jumps to the next question.

Obviously your “Auto accept” business logic is not aware how to handle parenthesis and optional words?!

Fixed code:

  • a) You either need to type the whole phrase including ()
  • b) you have to type at least “um perdão”
  • c) your code needs to check for following () and follow up words after “)”

Could any offical Portuguese (BR) ambassador check how we can fix the Portuguese definition what is right, if the developers can not fix their “Auto accept” code soon?

Everytime I probably would not know this word for at least 80-90%, would fail the answer, but your system moves up the SR interval every time more and more!!!

Q: How can I reset not the whole level but the SR for a single word for re-learning???

I can not remember having seen severe bugs like this on the “business logic” in the “Memrise Turbo” user script before; usually I have turned it off for PT1-7 typing courses.

I will gladly re-test this (with Turbo) by turning off your “Auto accept” if I can reset the SR.

For single-word courses like DuoLingo Portuguese BR by MartinPen and simple definitions the accept or “Turbo” script works better and can really give speed…for longer phrases/sentences this is not that great hearing still the audio when the next question is already on the screen.

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Hi @Thomas.Heiss!

Thanks for your message and suggestions.

As the responsible one for the Brazilian Portuguese content, I’m fixing this sentence for “uma desculpa (perdão)”. This must solve the coding problem for now.

As for the other points (and your question), I think @Lien might know to whom address them.

Do let me know in case I can help you with anything else regarding the PTBR content.

Happy 2018!



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Thank you @IgCostaBR!

@Thomas.Heiss, as I’m just the Office Manager here at Memrise, I hope you don’t mind awaiting my @MemriseSupport colleagues’ holiday return. They’re much better placed to deal with such issues as I’m not fully up to date with all the latest bugs and features.
Please do remind me if you don’t hear back within a week so I can folllow up for you.

Best wishes,


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