Audio review doesn't work

@Lien, @BeaTrisy etc is anybody looking into this prob? the fora are devoid of any team members participation lately…

Hi everybody,
I am having the same problem. At first, everything was normal but in the last week or so listening review stops working at all.
I went PRO because of this feature and this start to be very frustrating.

Hello all
Thank you for your patience. A screenshot of the console messages would be really helpful in trying to pinpoint the issue.

For Chrome

  • Open Chrome and start a listening skills session.
  • Go to the Chrome menu at the top-right of your browser window, then select Tools > Developer Tools.
  • In the chrome developer tools make sure the “Console” tab is clicked
  • Continue with your review session until you get the error.
  • Take a screenshot of your whole browser window, making sure to catch the error message(s) and send it to us
    We can look further into the issue as soon as we get the screenshot

*if you’re using any browser other than chrome and are unsure of how to get the console up, let me know so I can provide the steps.

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Hi @BeaTrisy,

Here’s a couple of screenshots of (Chrome) examples where it only loads 4 or 5 items instead of a full set of 25. I can’t currently recreate an example where it fails to load at all. If I manage to later, I’ll post you a screen shot.

For some reason, though, the following course always loads the full set of 25 and hasn’t been freezing:



Thank you @alanh for all the information. This is really helpful. Could you also provide links for the courses you’re studying?

Hi @BeaTrisy,

These are the courses I have tried audio review on:

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I am having same problem with Listening/Speech review. Sometimes it will do one question. Other times it freezes on 1st question. Happened yesterday on A1 French and today on Learn Basic Spanish. I am using Mozilla Foxfire.

Here’s a screen shot. I’m not getting any messages. Freezes up when i click on the “Next” arrow to have my selection checked.

Thank you for all this information. It’s helped us a lot in pinpointing the problem. Our team is looking into it and a fix will be out shortly.


Hi @BeaTrisy,

Here’s a screenshot for one that won’t load:

It’s this course: A1 Spanish - by Decks - Memrise

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the problem persists, both on web and android

We’re currently working on a fix that should go out in the next few days.
I’ll update this thread when the fix is released.

Example of Audio Review problem with Basic Vietnamese - not even loading a question and review is for only 10 questions

A fix for the audio review problem has just been released.
Thank you all for your help in tracking down that pesky bug and a special thank you
to @alanh for providing the console logs.
Happy learning

Hi @BeaTrisy,


It’s working well for most of my courses now (ie loading a full set of 25 words and not freezing) but the following 2 courses still don’t load a full set::

Learn Advanced Spanish • No Typing - by deactivated user - Memrise
Learn Spanish Intermediate • No Typing - by deactivated user - Memrise

Here are screenshots of the latest console logs:

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Many thanks for looking into the bug. The audio review is functioning now, in general, with two exeptions:

  1. too many requests to write what you hear: I am using (sometimes) the audio review for Chinese because I don’t “hear” Chinese (my listening comprehension is very bad), and writing what you hear defeats the purpose so to say

  2. quite often i get such screens which always lead to “wrong” answers:


I have had something similar to the continuing issue reported by @Hydroptere in the post above. Here is a screenshot of the console log:


It’s like playing a game of whack-a-mole.
We’re looking into both issues and I’ll keep updating this thread when we have more information or when we release a fix.

Still have this problem with Korean.