Audio mode enabled - please allow course contributors to switch this on

  • Description of the issue:

It seems that only course creators can currently see the “Audio mode enabled ” check boxes that are on course /edit/details/ pages. Please could you revert to making this check-box visible and checkable for course contributors also.

(Memrise will probably sell more Pro subscriptions if this fixed, I think.)

  • Your device and browser details

Chrome, Windows 10

  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue

Compare the /edit/details/ pages of courses that have been created by the investigator, against those where the investigator is just a contributor.

IMHO, contributors should have the same permissions as creators, maybe without the ability to delete the whole course.

However, essentially, if you allow someone to edit your course then you will either trust that the contributor will act in accordance with your own interest or you (the creator) simply don’t care (anymore). This applies specifically to abandoned courses.