Audio is not working

I logged on today to do my lessons on my commute and there is no sound from any of my courses.
I checked my settings and everything is switched on. Sound effects are coming through.

Then I notice that the app updated last night. What did you break? Do you not do QA before putting out an update?


Honor View10, Android 8.0.0

Ditto for me, although I do have some audio in online mode. Looks like time for another delete and reinstall

I have this issue too. When I online, the downloaded course has sound. I think it is bug.

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The audio in a lot of my courses is also not working, either in the IOS app or using Safari on my MacBook.

Has anyone found a solution to this?


Good morning,

I am having the same issue. Audio is not working in Safari on my MacBook. It did a couple of days ago but not yesterday nor today.

Any advise on how to fix this?

There has been an intermittent audio issue for a while which I reported on Feb 28th (see item #16 on this list.

I’ve just checked and the audio was working on my Android device, so there doesn’t seem to be a general problem here. Note that this is Android (the OP placed this posting in the Android section too), so it might be different for Apple devices.

I am having audio issues since the last update.
Android v.9

@MemriseMatty, just wanted to make you aware of this problem.

I’m on Android and I also face an audio bug that seems to be happening randomly…

My app will work just fine and suddenly video clips and certain sounds voices (not all of them) won’t load. Also, when this happens I can’t record my voice for pronunciation exercises.

… and tapping the picture won’t reload the video clip.

Usually, I just close my App and open it again to work around the problem…

Audio not working on android, or win 10 (chrome, firefox or brave)

i think is a general issue having something to do with the splitting of the courses?
using solely the web version, have intermitent frozen pages and lack of audio with firefox lastest, brave nightly and waterfox (does not matter is tablet or laptop mode)

This audio issue is RUINING the user experience. If this issue had been persistent since February maybe it takes cancelling of subscriptions for them to move this up the queue. Please fix this. People are paying good money for bugs like this to not happen. I put in my ticket already. Nothing to show but ui improvements.

I’ve reported this bug on Feb 28th here, so you might be right. OTOH I can’t think of a reason why the duplication of courses to Decks could affect audio.

simply because of moving huge databases around?

I’m speculating of course, but I do assume that they must still be running a single database, otherwise it would be quite an overhead to sync courses and points on both Memrise and Decks.

I’m having the exact opposite issue. The audio plays online but not offline.