Asked to Type when Set to Multiple Choice + Wrong Prompt Language

First of all I must say these are clever ways to reduce workload:

  • We are enforcing a strict bug reporting policy…
  • Your report must include…
  • Individual reports will only receive a reply if…

The bug:
Android app. Watering. Setting is multiple choice, prompt in Italian answer in English, been that way since January. But today, I was asked to type my answer, and to type it in Italian. That is, 2 things wrong.

Actions in vain:
Changed setting from Tapping On to Tapping Off but no difference.
Checked course settings and nothing wrong.
Accessed test from another button but prompt language still wrong (see below).


Platform used when experiencing the issue (web, web on mobile, android app, iOS app)
Android app

Phone or tablet firmware/app version/device model (if on mobile)
What is firmware? (So will my report be ignored because I can’t answer this question?)
Phone model GS3
Doesn’t say what brand

Date of first ocurrence
2016 May 5 Australia

Frequency of ocurrence
Every time I try.

Description of steps you took when issue happened
As usual: clicked “REVIEW (39)” under Level 1 from the page where it shows all the levels and their respective names.
If I click “CONTINUE” under the course from the page where it shows all the courses and their respective names, I get multiple choice, but prompt in English answers in Italian, which is still wrong.

Does the title sound interesting if you read it out loud?
No, bugs are not interesting.

Is it a good summary?
Yes, it is. Makes the message body appear verbose.

Who would be interested in this?
I hope Memrise staff would be interested.

Why does it matter?
It matters because Memrise staff don’t beta test enough and need us to report bugs; it’s presumably cheaper for Memrise that way.

What kind of responses do you want?
Memrise staff to tell me there will never be any more bugs.

Include commonly used words in your topic so others can find it.
I’ve done my part. What will Memrise do?

Turning off tapping test in the application does not affect typing test, these are two separate tests.

For the course you have created both Tapping test and Typing test are enabled for both columns.

Do you mind turning them both off. Once you’ve done that, log out and back in and continue learning the course. You should notice the typing test and tapping test will not be presented in your course.

Turning off tapping test in the application does not affect typing test, these are two separate tests.

Turning off tapping test in the app changes tapping tests into multiple choice if the answer contains 2 or more spaces, no? Anyway.

For the course you have created both Tapping test and Typing test are enabled for both columns.

That’s not what I see. Are your screenshots of my course? I attach my screenshots, one of the level and one of the database.

Do you mind logging out and back into the application. I’ve already deactivated the typing and tapping test for you course a while ago.

I’ve already tested your course with the deactivation of tapping and typing test. It should be working as intended.

I was getting typing tests on the website at the same time I took those screenshots. But I’m getting multiple choice tests now.

And now I noticed that the column labels are the wrong way around. I remember experiencing this bug some time ago where I Bulk Uploaded as usual but the columns got switched around after uploading. I’ve (re?) fixed it now.

Problems solved. Thank you.