UPD: There is no way to download mems from Memrise anymore, they have been removed completely
The link to everything that has been backed up during the time the thread was active:
MemDump archive
With the recient news saying that support of mems’ creation and browsing will soon be discontinued, and the only option of saving mems provided by MemRise itself is one-by-one clicking and downloading images while copypasting text into a separate text document, I wrote a script to mass-download mems from the site.
The script itself is available here, however, it is written in Wolfram language, which is not something widely used, so I don’t expect many people to be able to run it by themselves.
There is an option for me to run the script on my end, downloading the required mems and uploading them afterwards for everyone to use.
If you need help with saving mems, all you need to do is post a request in this thread indicating the name of your MemRise account (which may differ from the forum name) or the name of any user you want to download mems from. (if you need to download mems from several users, it would be nice of you to make a list with each of them put in quotes; example: “user1”, “user2”, “user3”).
Here GoogleDrive/MemDump you can find all the mems I backed up so far by personal requests of other people as well as the mems I wanted to archive for myself (most of which were made by users from Remembering the Kanji course). The names indicate authors of the mems with the total number of their mems put into brackets. So far there are about 20,000 mems in total. Archives that contain pictures are stored in separate folders, while the ones that have only text mems are saved as spreadsheet files. I plan to keep expanding this database as long as I have the storage space.
Please note, that downloads may take some time, and there might be some problems with certain types of mems, as I still continue to encounter new irregularities in the ways MemRise stores the data. But I will try to do my best to process as many requests as I can, and the script already seems to work for the majority of cases as it is.