Arabic 1 - "Beef" - difference between male and female pronunciation

In the “More food” section of Arabic 1

I noticed in the word for beef (لحم بقري) the female voice is saying something like “lahm(uh) baqari” (where that uh is a very quick, almost unnoticable schwa) and the male voice is saying something more like “lahmun baqari(yuh)”, with a noticeable n sound before ‘baqari’.

Is the difference between “lahm(uh)” for the woman and “lahmun” for the man because they come from different dialects, or because they are male and female, or something else? If spelled using the optional diacritics and vowel markers, would there be a tanwiin on the male’s version?


Je suis au niveau 3, je me posais les mêmes questions au début et maintenant je crois que souvent la voix m. et f. nous proposent des différents dialectes. Et aussi que dans les phrases et les expressions la voix masculine pronnonce correctement les terminaisons grammaticales des mots, et la voix féminine un peu plus simplifié. J’avoue que ce n’est pas évident.

There is no such thing in Arabic. It’s all because of dialects only. But in almost all dialects people, “لحم” are pronouncing the “ح” with “shida” or intensity. This means that you have to stand for a little while in the “ح”, and just continue the rest of the word like normal.