App shows un-planted items but complete on Web

On this course ► Rocks and Minerals (n/t) - by soil-sci - Memrise ◄ “Level 4 Rocks - REVERSED”

On the App it says the course is not fully learned, but on the web it says it is.

Looking at the web I see there are items waiting to be watered NOW and I think it’s these that I ‘need to learn’.

The same is true of Level 5 Minerals - REVERSED but this may be one I’ve just auto learned as it was previously mostly ignored and I wondered if it was that which was causing the issue.
Ditto level 6

There are no updates and I’ve refreshed my list.

It may be a delayed refresh link up issue but I think I learned these ages ago…

PS but I may not have watered them on the new App.

I’ll investigate this further, but you may be aware of it or others may have experienced it.

Note this is NOT true for Levels 1, 2 and 3 which also have items waiting to be watered.

I’d suggest you log off and back in, just to be sure. From what I experienced, pulling down on the course list (app dashboard) may not always download all updates. In some cases I had to refresh several times, in others I didn’t get updates unless I logged off and back in.

To make it complete, I seem (!) to receive new words for a course without refreshing, but, again, this might just be my perception and could happen after a refresh - I have to manually pull-down-refresh every time I switch between devices as the order of courses seems to be cached locally, IOW it is not being updated when you start Memrise.

Hope I did my best to confuse you further. :laughing:

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Many thanks Olaf for your sensible suggestions.

I’ve just logged out and in again and it took a long time to show me my course.

Just went back to home page list and pulled that down, that took a long time too. Repeated that.

BUT no change to unlearned items. :man_shrugging: :pouting_man: :grey_question:

Cc @MemriseSupport

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But this course where I’ve just added Reversed levels and autogrown does NOT have the Web to App problem.

0100 Minerals ! - by bomorda - Memrise

This course not complete on the web but complete on the app is so annoying and has been a long running issue that Memrise seem incapable of fixing despite the advised workarounds - Disappointing!

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Thanks for your comment.

So that is the opposite of my problem.

The only issue I know about and have solved on another course is where there is a pair of entries and one of the fields is empty.

This is not the case in this instance as I have access to the database.

Sei Italiano?

Hi @DW7 - sorry to hear that. Could you try uninstalling the app, restarting your device and reinstalling it?

This should force the app to sync completely with the website and solve any outstanding issues.

If the problem persists after trying all of the above, please let me know and confirm the following:

  • Does this happen only with levels 5 and 6? Are all items in these levels unlearned or only some of them?
  • Which device you are using
  • Which OS you are running
  • Which version of Memrise you are using (you can find this information at the bottom of your Settings in the app)

I look forward to your response.



Will do, many thanks for your input @ale_c


Still the same.

See screenshot below.

Does this happen only with levels 5 and 6? Are all items in these levels unlearned or only some of them?

It’s Levels 4, 5 & 6 - all reversed levels as the screen shot above shows.

Some in Level 4

Strangely I think when I go to plant I am only shown one item to review (?) which is then planted but then I have to start learning.

Which device you are using

An Android Moto G7 Power

Which OS you are running

Android 10 (updated)

Which version of Memrise you are using (you can find this information at the bottom of your Settings in the app)


I could probably solve this by learning one item at the time as explained above (in I think).

Strangely I think when I go to plant I am only shown one item to review (?) which is then planted but then I have to start learning.

I could probably solve this by learning one item at the time as explained above (in I think).

Just tried this morning and that doesn’t work, I’m having to relearn.


Unless I experience this on another course, or other people report the same issue, may I suggest you ignore this peculiar issue @ale_c


I have just reviewed (aka watered) several items in App level 5 and when I shut (swiped off) MemRise and reloaded after taking a while and refreshing the list those watered items were now showing as planted on the App.

Thanks for this information - we want to investigate and fix this, so I’ve created a ticket for our team. Unfortunately I don’t have a timeframe for when it will be resolved though.

Thanks for your patience.

Best wishes,


Many thanks @ale_c - seriously no rush.

Hope you are able to replicate it.

Let me know if you need any more information from me or to do some trials.

Meanwhile I’ll see if there’s another course like it.

@ale_c I’m going to create an ongoing list of other identical problems:

Broadleaf Tree Identification KZM - by ceiteach - Memrise

Fully planted on the WEB. (NB another reversed one.)

On this course, Level 2, I’ve ignored every item on the web.

Level 2 - Test scientific names with pictures - Common Houseplants ~ … - Memrise

On the app it shows two waiting to be planted !?!

This whole level (as well at the next two) are IGNORED on the web but waiting to be planted on the App.

Level 2 - Scientific Name & Image - Conifer Trees ~ Plant Identificat… - Memrise

NB they are effectively reversed levels - a common theme.

Level 24 on this course on the Web is all ignored but “Joy - Reversed” (Level 22) the App has mostly ignored and the last three waiting to be planted.

100 NIV 'Split' Bible Verses - by DW7 - Memrise

All the other Reversed levels are correctly ignored.

This Rivers etc course (to which I am not a Contributor) is fully planted on the web but has several levels waiting to be planted on the App!

This is most annoying as there is no way to review these levels and it defaults to wanting me to start again and plant it.

I wonder if @azrael42 (or anyone else) has experienced this problem.

NB there are no reversed levels.

Invites to those on the Rivers course …

Cc @smccowa, @CindyMing-HsuanYU, @memriserin, @Kjellstroem, @TinyMusic, @Elsaaaaaaaa - but none have found their way to the Forum (nor the next batch on this weeks highest scores - which proves not many people know about the Forum).

But @trontsephore on the “All time” score list is the only one I recognise and he has visited the Forum.

Does this selection give you enough to work on @MemriseSupport?

Morning @ale_c

I’ve just logged out of the App this morning - something I do regularly (and because my revised mem would not show up) - and I thought this problem has been resolved.

A few other courses seem okay too BUT the first course reported - Rocks & Minerals (and another in my list) is still showing incomplete.

I have just found this ► course ◄ which I’ve completed (all Flowers) on the web BUT only two levels are partially learned on the Android App.

Sadly I can not revise them, only go through the relearn process…

Any news @MemriseSupport ?

Hi DW7, sorry about this.

I’ve added this info to the ticket - unfortunately our team hasn’t been able to reproduce this yet and since we haven’t received any other reports, it’s proving tricky to investigate further. :frowning:

In the meanwhile, are you able to try on a different Android device (if you a one) to see if the problem is only occurring on specific set-ups?

Thanks for your patience.



Many thanks for your attention @ale_c .

I use a Moto G7 Power running Android 10.
My wife uses a Moto G5 running Android 8, and when it eventually loaded a course in question, it was identical (wrong).

Shame you can’t reproduce it on the courses I reported.

That will make it extremely difficult to investigate.

Are you able to log in as me?


How about everyone in the office looking on the web for courses with completed levels then checking the App?

Has anyone else experienced this?