App is lagging

As the title says, with the recent app update my app has been lagging a lot. I tap or type an answer and it takes several seconds to register or it doesn’t seem to load at all.

The app also doesn’t seem to be loading my review sessions either as of a few minutes ago. My WiFi is working fine so whatever problem this is seems to be on Memrise’s side.


I wondered if I am the only one.

I came back here on the forum just for that reason!!

It is unbearable!!!
Leters do not appear or they appear with irregular lag of about one second of duration.

Even the loading of anything (learning session, repeating session…) slowed down.

I noticed, that , surprisingly, the app is not lagging when I am doing some offline session (however to rely on the offline is neither practical nor convenient… I take it as a nice bonus, not as a prefered code of conduct )

It somehow seems to be connected to some kind of communication over network… there is always busy some downloading circle- marker … that type of spinning circle on the upper bar.

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It takes approximately Five times longer to finish any given course (I mean daily take … amount of points…) … I was able devote up to one hour daily … can you imagine the difference?

I am only not sure, if it related to the most recent update (was it today?) … it seems to be present for a few days (not sure exactly… three, four?)

I’m glad it’s not just me either. I also am able to do the course when offline a lot better than When I’m online. But the lagging is really irritating to deal with.

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Hi everyone. I believe this must be what’s happening to me also. I’ve been using memrise for just about a week now, pro member, as an aid to learning some Italian. I’ve had no problems until over the last hour, the app is showing blank spaces all of a sudden so came here to see if anyone knew what was happening or if it was just me. If it helps to know, my device is an iPad3, never tampered with (meaning not jailbroken, thought it worth saying having read a previous topic where this happened whose device was, which @Joshua believed to be the problem) and all up-to-date. This is what I’m looking at:

Hopefully this will be ironed out soon, an otherwise really excellent app I’ve been very happy with.

EDIT: Wow that was fast! Someone seems to have beamed straight down to my device from the memrise mothership already and fixed it :slightly_smiling_face: I will keep an eye on the thread as it would still be of interest to learn what happened in case of any other occurrence but many thanks :rocket::it:


I believe the app has been lagging for a few versions, but I use the beta version of the app on iOS. I don’t use the app very often as it is because I feel don’t learn enough, so I can’t pinpoint the exact version it started.

I notice the lag is especially bad whenever I start a new learning/review session, then gets better (functions normally) towards the end.

I still had this problem this morning, so I doubt it’s fixed.

I’ve submitted a bug report/feedback through the beta app a while ago, but I’m not sure if it will be fixed anytime soon.


Thanks for reporting this issue. We are currently investigating. Feel free to post any relevant information or other reports on this bug within this thread.

Best, M.

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I found out, that this really conected with the app downloading/chating_over_internet.

Not only that the differerence in the behaviors between off-line and on-line situation is suspicious… I realized that if I let the session to “load” something for veeery long time …
(first : you push the blue circle to initiate repeating session
second : you waaait long time i.e. 15-20 min
third : merely now you start the session in earnest)
… it is done with the communication over network… and does not annoy me
(… Naturally- it is unusable this way - I was attending many courses everyday and I must be savy with time I imagine this will for others too.)
Also the spinning circle is omnipresent… whatever I do, it still indicates that it is not done chatting with server.

MOREOVER… it kills the battery of my iPhone SE incredibly fast … iPhone is warming up.
I don’t know, what was the amount of transfered data … I asume it had to be quite a lot.

Yesterday it killed last 20% of battery of my iphone within 15 min

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look how mach time flowed between different screenshots … also the battery capacity is noteworthy… and the indicator of download

(sorry that they are not in order and I mixed up one from another day)

Please have a look on those 4 screenshots - they are from yesterday.

They document the battery consumption through time

At that time I was connected through mobile data. (And there was nothing else special, nothing capable to drain the battery)

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If some of you are still experiencing this issue, can you try quitting the application, and re-opening / running it again. Hopefully the performance should have improved (in regards to the lagging). Please let us know after you have tested this :slight_smile:

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It’s noticeably faster for me. The course loads without the spinning loading wheel at the top going on and on (as it used to do before this).

Looks like it’s been fixed, at least on my end.

Thank you for whatever it was that you and the team did! :grinning:


GREAT! It was it!!! (just trying once on one course… yet the difference is clearcut)

What was that? You were really fast to decipher it.

Thank You!


We suspect the lag revolved around how the app is loading courses. We have now tweaked this process, and hope the lag will subside. We’ll keep an eye on it and will be releasing a new update to the app asap :slight_smile:


Thanks for fixing the issue pretty fast. The app is working a lot faster now.


Hello again everyone (and @MemriseMatty in particular or any other member of the team who might be able to help), here with a new update, the situation being that after finishing Italian 7, I decided to check out the Advanced Colours course and no pun intended here but look:

Last time I posted something similar it was fixed half an hour later and has remained so ever since, up until now, so I’m not worried but just thought I should let you know that it was happening again. I did as suggested above and closed the application, went and did something else then re-opened it and tried again but it’s still struggling…so I’ll see how it goes tomorrow, maybe it just needs a break but anyway, will keep you posted with any further change.


EDIT: now working perfectly again so maybe I really was just on it too long, I don’t know…would that matter? It’s just I’d been on it for ages last time as well…some official feedback would be much appreciated.