Hey there !
So just a couple of minor improvement ideas for the app (I mostly use iOS iPad version, and sometimes Android on my smartphone, so don’t know if what I thought about is already available on the website) :
- when browsing tabs in “find courses” I think it would be useful to be able to sort the results or choose only results with (or without) audio files; I’m personally not a big fan of having no audio (except for languages like Italian or Spanish because the pronunciation is not far from french) so as some languages (currently studying Russian as main language) have a lot of courses it can sometimes be a chore to go through all of them to pick only those that have audio files… it’s not something difficult to code so it could be a nice improvement
- well I know it’s been a while that some of us are waiting for it, so any update on when we’ll finally be able to create Mems in the iOS app?
- same as before, something not difficult to code : could it be possible that we personally set the amount of words in the reviewing and learning sections?
I’m fine with the 10 words limit for each learning section because I think more would be useless, however as for the reviewing section sometimes I’ve come across a >50 words session in the “Listening” challenges (don’t know if it’s a bug or not) and realized that I quite prefer longer reviewing sessions for some languages…
Well for now these were some ideas that came to my mind but I think some of these could be useful