App doesn't start offline

For a few days now, when I tried to start the app offline, it just keep on the background image with the blue circle turning endlessly.

Reinstall didn’t change anything

I waited to see if any update solved this, but I’m close to remove it definitively, it’s useless now

(Android 5.1)

i get a red “connection error” bar, then the circle.
But a quick switch to “pro” and back to “home” fixes this for me.

Okayyy … I don"t wanna know why, but this is fixing it … :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thanks T_Sc529

Will this be officially fixed by an app update one day ?

If I have this issue, it is usually because the internet is slow or intermittend. Turning off the internet briefly, often fixed the problem for me or waiting very long (from 20 seconds to 2 minutes or perhaps more). Does this workaround help for you? And does it always happen or only now and then?

I use the app offline most of the time, and it fails at each try (but even when I’m connected with a good wifi, I have the same issue… I only tried it less, maybe 5 or 6 times)

Only one course, or any course has this? Which one?

I only have one course, which is Unit 1

I see the same issue frequently, and yes, switching views/tabs also fixes this for me, although sometimes it takes repeated switches

I have this issue too since several weeks, when will it be fixed? The offline Modus is one of the most important features for me.