Anyone else do diplomatic languages?

When I had started out creating this thing, I was unsure what the purpose of it was going to be (conlang), but the way I’m seeing it, it would work as a diplomatic language when each member of a union body doesn’t know each other’s language, and they need an intermediary language that follows a grammar pattern each user is comfortable with.

In this respect, it has features of both Romance and East Asian. Its not, at least presently, meant to represent a specific country, although it borrows extensively from Japanese and French.

What are you calling it? Are you making a course on Decks? If you are, could you give a link to the course, please? I’m learning Esperanto but am interested in all conlangs.

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Sure, do I link it in here?

Also Nihoncaise is a temporary name. I’m open to ideas. It’s short for Nihongo-Francaise.

I told a friend about how kind of an intermediary language for negotiations between so France / Germany, and Japan. Children of both parents could theoretically learn it as their first language as well.

Je watai konyu une Machiuen.

The idea for it changed several times, originally it was a thought experiment, when comparing it to how French had an effect on English. This conlang has a similar hybrid language type attribute.

Oh I may merge my abbreviated numbers class as well.

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Looks interesting, I’ll learn some later.
Since you’re here on the Forums, you should make a course forum and put a link in the description of the course so that users can provide feedback. There are plenty of examples. They all start with [Course forum].


Oh also once I have it up: trying to remove multiple use cases, like Vous as acheashita and Je wata meaning you want. Or other situations where there are multiple terms for the same thing that don’t fall under formal / informal.

I also expanded the pronouns to account for certain situations in the early 21 neo-colonial period.

It’s really confusing learning many similar languages at the same time. I keep one mixing them up. At the moment, Japanese is the priority, so I will postpone trying out Nihoncaise for real until I can have a reasonable conversation in Japanese, then I’ll give it a go. The knowledge of Japanese that I shall, hopefully, have acquired by then, should make Nihoncaise much easier.

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About that, it’s only derived from Japanese, but some of the spellings are different. Thanks for trying it out!

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