Any good Korean *reading* courses?

Does anyone know of a good Memrise Korean course where you get tested on Korean and you enter your answers in English?

What do you mean with reading course? Like full sentences and you have to translate those in English? If so, I don’t think memrise is the best website for that, as usually, only one answer has been encoded by the course creator.

If on the other hand, you’re interest by one-to-one word translations from Korean to English, maybe you can try one of these. I think they are pretty good (with audio for the first two).

Any course where you’re tested on reading something in Korean and have to type the answer in English.

I’m already doing those (well, the first one - I haven’t gotten to the unit 2 yet), but those are ones where you read English and type answers in Korean. That’s the opposite of what I’m asking for.

This might help:

Huh, clever idea! It would probably work very poorly for most courses, since the course creator had a particular test direction in mind and wrote their definitions for that testing direction. I know my Hebrew course would be really bad if you reversed the direction, what with synonyms and multi-word definitions and such. But still potentially useful, if I ever do run across a course where it seems like it wouldn’t be too bad.

How about trying English course for Korean speakers?

You’re right, they are two-way courses. Sorry, answered a bit fast.

A couple of years ago when I was first looking for this, I did look in that section, but the few courses I tried were also of the read English, type answers in Korean variety. Also, because they were designed to teach English, they had a very poor choice of words for learning Korean. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some courses in that section that would be good for learning Korean in the read Korean, answer English direction - maybe there are, I just don’t know which courses those are or how to find them. That’s why I’m asking here, in case someone knows of any specific courses on memrise they could recommend.