Animated Mems (GIFs)


I could not find any topic about this. I hope its still working to copy/paste the animated Mems from the forum into my personal Mems.

If there is a topic, my bad :stuck_out_tongue:

2nd mem


Why new users can only post 1 picture per post? Uselesā€¦canā€™t edit and add gifs to the old post. Sorry for the mass-bumping.

Are these gifs all for the same language? In that case it might be better to place them in Language Quarters so that other learners can find it more easily.

Yes, its japanese. Maybe, Iā€™ll add other language-mems later, too.

I should make every time a own topic for each languauge instead?

Iā€™m not saying that you ā€œshouldā€, it was just a suggestion. There are language-specific sections in the Language Quarters so I thought it would be handy there.