[Since the course forums are going away soon and there’s no replacement (yet?), I’ll occasionally post course-specific updates here in these general topic areas. Hopefully each course will get its own forum or category again eventually.]
For the few people taking my tropical fish identification course:
When I started this course thought I’d have something reasonably ready for “publication” in under a year, but I was over-optimistic. It’s taken many many more hours than I thought, though it’s been worth the time. But as I still don’t even have the levels for groupers & basslets, or damselfish, with any content at all, I feel like it’s still in preliminary mode and haven’t really publicized it. Nonetheless, some people have found it and racked up a lot of points.
Recently, I overhauled the angelfish levels. Last monthI added about ten new species (I forget now exactly which ones weren’t there before), and split off the pygmy angelfish (genus Centropyge) into a new pair of levels. I also added a bunch of new photos. This past weekend, after a dive trip to the Florida keys and another photography expedition to the New England Aquarium, I added more photos, and another species, for a total of 32. I also added separate items for the juveniles of Gray, French, Queen, Blue, Emperor, and Cortez angelfish (as well as for King angelfish, which is new to the course entirely). Overall there are nearly 250 new photos, which almost doubled the number of angelfish photos in the course.
Next up, I’m working on a similar overhaul of wrasses, but it’s taking quite a while I’ve got photos from dive trips to Martinique and the Florida keys as well as the New England Aquarium. I’ve actually already redone nearly all the photos of blueheads, both to add a lot of new ones and to improve and re-crop some of the original ones which were among the first when this course was new - before I was familiar with what it’s like to take the course. Coming up I have a bunch of new species to add, as well as splitting several up into separate items for juvenile, initial, and terminal phase. I finally have enough yellowhead wrasse photos to do that! And Spanish hogfish, and Mexican hogfish, …
Hopefully I’ll have the wrasse overhaul done within a month. We’ll see. Maybe then I can tackle damselfish, or do the “other fish” level to add some of the most commonly seen fish that don’t fall into the bigger families, such as barracudas and moorish idols.
[This post is not a “course forum”. New topics will be new posts in the future.]