Hi, I am in Icelandic 1 and I keep getting a correction for something I have spelt correctly, it happens over and over again so I cannot move on to new words
Thank you
That sounds very frustrating, I hope they can fix it! It would be helpful to know which course you are talking about and which word.
Until the course creator sees this thread and fixes the problem, you could choose to ignore the word as a way to move forward. When you are on the page which lists all words for a specific lesson, there is a button “Ignore” just below the “Learn these words” or “Review” button. Click it. Then go to the troublesome word and click its button to get a checkmark. Scroll down and hit save. Check afterwords to make sure your word was ignored, lately I’ve needed to do this twice to save the setting.
wow great thanks zielLiz will give this a try and let you know
done it zielLiz and it has worked, frustration over and I continue
thank you
Happy to hear it worked out for you