"Always show" does not show while testing

Hi everyone, I am getting pretty annoyed here. In a few days, I have my examens and now I cannot use memrise for learning after I have put a whole day of work into creating the course …

I guess, for a few people it is an old problem.

I have a column with a question, the question is related to the picture I have uploaded. First, I had the picture on “always show”, but it didn’t work. Now I changed, so “prompt with picture” and always show “german” (which is the question).
BUT as soon as it gets tested, the question is not shown anymore. I really don’t know what to do anymore. Is this just a bug and I have to accept it? Without the three columns I cannot learn.

If anybody has an idea, please help. I followed the tutorium step by step, then a found a similar question from two weeks ago without a reply and now I hope, that anybody has an idea here …

Desperate greetings


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You want the “always show” mems to work? Is that what you mean?

As far as I can tell, the mems are meant to show up when you don’t know the translation for a word, so it will only appear when you don’t type in the word. They are meant to be little helpers, prompts, so to speak. Here is a screenshot from a course I am doing. I have just typed in the answer, but not hit the “check” button at this point. This is what my page looks like on my Chromebook:

So, what you do is this:

you can hit the “check” button in the upper-right hand corner - so you get your points - but very quickly then hit “see answer” below the word. The mem - if there is one - will then appear.

I hope this helps. I also speak German, so if you want to ask me in German, that is no problem.

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Hi @Chrissi32089,

I think there may be some confusion as to what the “always show” option means. Marking this option doesn’t mean that the column will always be shown during the tests; it means that it will always be shown when you are on the screen where you’re learning the question.

However, I think you should probably be able to use attributes to do what you want. To do this, go into your database (the database, not the levels screen), click “Add Column” and check the “As attribute?” checkbox.

The bad news is that I’m not sure if you can modifying an existing column to be an attribute, so you may need to create a new column and copy your existing content over to the new column. Attributes have to be text, not pictures, too, so be aware of that.

Anyway, hope that helps :slight_smile:

Hallo, vielen Dank für deine Antwort.
Nein, ich habe kein mem erstellt, sondern es sind drei “columns”: “biologie”, “Fragen” und “Bilder”. Ich habe ein Bild mit einer Skizze, wo die beißwerkzeuge von Insekten drauf sind mit verschiedener Nummerierung. die sollen abgefragt werden und müssen somit gleichzeitig mit der Frage zb “benenne Nr. 3"auftauchen , denn sonst weiß man ja nicht, was die Frage ist und kann somit auch nicht die richtige Antwort” maxillen "eingeben. Wir haben viele Schemata, die wir lernen müssen und ich kann nicht jedes bild in zehn Variationen bearbeiten, um darauf kenntlich zu machen, um welche Nr. Es jetzt geht. Darum muss die Frage zusammen mit dem Bild erscheinen.

Beim Vorstellen der Fragen und Antworten erscheinen wie gewünscht die Fragen und die Bilder zusammen, beim Abfragen aber nur noch das bild, obwohl ich die fragen auf “always show” gesetzt habe. Ich ärgere mich gerade tierisch über memrise und überlege, doch lieber für die nächste Prüfungsphase auf offline Programme zurück zu greifen, da memrise offenbar ziemlich verbuggt ist…
Wenn du mir helfen kannst und die Arbeit an den 120 fragen jetzt doch nicht völlig umsonst war, bin ich echt dankbar!

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@Chrissi32089, as I mentioned, this is accomplished using attributes :slight_smile: You would need to put the question in an “attribute” column, so that it would be shown along with the image.

Thankyou, i will try this!

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Cool :slight_smile: Let us know if you run into any issues. As I mentioned earlier, you may need to create a new attribute column and then copy the text from each question to it, because I don’t know of a way to change an existing column into an attribute.