Alternative words and alternative columns not accepted

Suddenly today all my Japanese courses have stopped accepting kanji for answers. That is the main JLPTN2 course, plus ones I’ve made myself. It is only letting me use hiragana. The alternative words list is filled with Kanji, mostly with the underscore before the kanji so that it won’t show but is still accepted. It used to be that if the kanji was not properly set in the alternative words, but was typed properly, the program would say that it didn’t want the kanji, but just the “real Japanese”. Now it marks it wrong. I notice that in my own course, if I leave off the underscore then the kanji is accepted. But almost all the alternatives in the JLPTN2 course (4000 words or so) were made with the underscore before them, so it would not be practical to change them. Please fix this bug as soon as possible.

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You should probably repost this here

Maybe tag some mods, too.

This should be fixed now

Not yet fixed… I get the same/similar problem with all my self-made courses.

@raito789 can you please provide with a link to the course and give concrete examples of the problem?
@mike.savage.39945e Can you confirm that the problem is now fixed for you?

Sorry. I have made a separate post for my problem with screenshots:

It is not course specific, as I found this problem in 2 of my own courses that I tested.

Yes, it works now.

It was all courses and it works now.