All web course titles are limited to some 50 characters

I have just realised that I am limited to the number of characters I am allowed for a course title.

Although there is a full-length box, no more characters can be entered after about half way through the box.

50 character long titles get truncated when displayed on one’s list of courses under the large image with the course. The shorter title will presumably also apply to the App version.

Longer titles often made it easier to search for courses by key words.
(For instance “Space ~ Galaxies, The Sun, Planets & Objects” rather than just “Space” and “Animals: Mammals, Birds, Fish, Insects, Amphibians” rather than just “Animals”.)

@Joshua can you confirm the limit?

wait, we were warned about forums going in e-mail?

Could you provide us some screenshots? A before and after of the truncated titles would be amazing.

To the best of my knowledge, no one has been working on formatting the webpage.

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I don’t often go on my E-mail so… :smile:

Thanks very much to getting back to me so quickly and helpfully.

This is what I was working on and I can not type any more characters (eg adding a space after the “1” and before the “&”).

Shall I make you a Contributor?

It’s likely there is a 50 characters limit, including spaces. Have you previously created a title which had more than 50 characters?

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My apologies @Joshua - I’ve searched my spreadsheet and no titles are actually longer than what I was trying to achieve above!

So guess I had forgotten that I had to shorten titles and it never was the full length of the display box.

I’ll delete this thread shortly as it could mislead others.

Apologies once again and thanks for replying and reminding me.

No worries, I’m here to explain.

There’s no reason to delete this thread. With all that cleared up, we could move this to perhaps the general knowledge.

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Thanks again Joshua.

I have tried to make the first post informative rather than a loss of a facility.

Feel free to modify it and move it as appropriate.

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