All jaimebrasil's comments are hidden?

That ain’t right Memrise.

That’s not right indeed, I’ll look into it straight away


a very rare case of agreement… but maybe he deleted them?

No, it’s probably my fault. I changed some settings but didn’t intend to hide anything. Sorry for the hiccup!


You’ve removed their basic user and member badges. I’m guessing to stop them from sending private messages? That should be temporary I think, the first time.

As you’ve removed those badges they probably will not be able to get them back through forum activity.

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“Changed some settings” sounds so innocent. “Deleted some things” is more accurate. Deleted badges, posts and topics.

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I can certainly understand why a moderator would want to do something about your posting. You have been attacking people. That is not acceptable in any forum. You can disagree with ideas or procedures, but don’t make it personal.

That said, the best way to deal with anything like this is to be open about it. If you delete someone’s badges, tell them about it and why you did it. If you just do things silently you’ll almost certainly get disgruntled feelings and long and lingering simmering bickering. You’d be making things worse, not better.


@jaimebrasil I’m setting a limit for the number of threads and comments that can be created from your account. Most of them breach our forum’s guidelines and are in no way beneficial to anyone. Just trying to save both of us lots of time. You’re welcome!

I just want to add that nobody ever told me why my badges were removed, causing me to lose access to some of my own posts. That has still not been restored, and I still have received no responses when I asked about it. So… I’m not surprised.

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From that topic:

Did @jaimebrasil get a warning? Or is this the warning? Please consider thinking up a policy of progressive measures or warnings. If this is the first warning, the measure (deletion of badges) should be temporary. Especially as a learning site and with educators on your staff, your stance should be that people can learn from their mistakes.

Reading through their posts, I think the hostile ones were directed primarily at you (how you handled moderation) and the Memrise policy of not investigating cheaters.

This feedback should be beneficial to you and to Memrise, upon some reflection. The tone at which the feedback was given is perhaps understandable from the heat of the moment, but maybe or probably deserves a warning or a talking to.


Any ‘warnings’ and ‘punishments’ - and any explanation of why they have been given - should be notified to the person in private, not openly in the forum. Even in the [unlikely] event of one user being openly abusive towards another user in a forum thread, the resolution should be carried out in private between the mods/admins and the individuals directly involved. Not in ‘public view’.

If necessary, following resolution, the mods could post a simple, non-attributable, explanation to account for any gaps which subsequently appear which affect the flow of the thread.


absolutely agree with @alanh, such “public shaming” is not what I’d expect in here

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I am agnostic about that. It’s done differently in different forums. The case for doing it publicly is that when people are complaining about a post, a moderator can either say nothing to see here, move along, quit being whiners or yeah, stop being a cunt, this is warning 1 of 3, see rule 43 for an explanation and further consequences of non-compliance so that either way the other users can see the issue has been dealt with.

Now we don’t know anything. I assume there is no procedure and there has been no warning, which isn’t the way to do things and also doesn’t comply with the START HERE post…

Thanks for your suggestions, very helpful.
I’ll reset those restrictions and will issue any warnings (hoping none will be needed) via a private message.


I never got any warnings, or notification, I just suddenly went from “Leader” to “Basic” one day. I asked about it in a few places and in private message, and eventually I got a response to a PM I sent a month or two later, that restored me to “Member”, but then I was stuck at that level and unable to attain “Regular”. Nobody has ever even acknowledged to me that my badges were removed, or told me the reason, or anything like that. And of course I had posted a bunch on a forum that you can only see if you’re “Leader” so I could no longer see responses to my comments, or respond to them.
