After Spanish 7

Any recommendations for courses I should take after Spanish 7? I’ve finished A1 and A2 from the old courses, Spanish 6 from the new courses and almost done Spanish 7. It seems like all the non-memrise courses are either just vocabulary lists, or idioms/expressions. Are there any courses like the memrise ones that have both individual words as well as those words used in sentences? Thanks.

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Here are a few ideas/suggestions:

Intermediate Phrases - I’ve done the first dozen or so lessons. It’s a mix of 2-4 word phrases, such as “por todos lados,” “así nada más,” “dejar en paz,” and “no hay prisa,” as well as a few idioms/modismos/dichos. It has way more phrases than idioms.

First 5000 Words Top Up #1, First 5000 Words Top Up #2, and Top Up #3, #4, #5, #6 by @ian_mn - These courses are a mix of 2-4 word phrases and vocabulary words. They have things like, “la licencia de conducir,” “pasarlo mal” “los grandes almacenes,” and “el correo basura.” They’re actively maintained, relatively free of typos, and have audio. I’ve completed Top Up #1 and started Top Up #2.

Spanish Phrases used in Sentences - Each lesson in this course is based around a phrase. First the phrase is presented, and then there are 4 sentences that use the phrase in context. I have not worked on this course, so I don’t know how error-free it is or whether it contains audio.

Spanish Grammar - The sentences in this course are taken from grammar books and online sources. Some of them sound/feel natural; others translate in ways you wouldn’t expect. I did a few lessons in this course 3 years ago, but dropped it. (It’s likely that I simply wasn’t ready yet.) Now that I’m much better at Spanish, I’m thinking it might be more fun, useful, and interesting.


Thanks for the detailed response. :slight_smile: I’ll have to check those out.

this one is cute (and has audio):

and this one is more than fine, but extremely long: (lately I don’t do very long courses anymore, I get the feeling I don’t make any progress)

well, in the hope that memrise gets functional again (one of these centuries)

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Haha hopefully! I usually use the app so I’m okay. Thanks for the suggestions.

you’re welcome! (I never use the app, my phone is “apps-free” :grin:)

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