African and Asian language courses

Hello all. This topic is mainly about the official Memrise courses. I’ve noticed the Korean course has been updated, but what about the other Languages such as Chinese and Japanese? When can we expect more parts to these courses? Also, have you guys thought of creating courses teaching African languages (Twi, Swahili, Somali, Mende, Yoruba, etc.) and other East and Southeast languages (Cantonese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Thai, Indonesian, Taiwanese, etc.)? Just a question that I’ve been wanting to ask for a while. If courses teaching those languages are created, not sure about everyone else but I’ll be one happy camper haha. While I wait for such courses to be made, can anyone recommend any good courses for me to use? Please and thank you


They have already said that more languages are to come.


I see. Thanks for answering!

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What about creating an official Vietnamese course? I am a native Vietnamese speaker and would be happy to contribute :slight_smile:

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