Advanced French (1104 words) Problems with course

The course does not use the usual process for Difficult Words with repetition of recognition and spelling. Can it be invoked please?

The course is the Advanced French course with 1004 words not 1104,

Try contacting the course creator via their forum account, if they do not possess one, theres not much you can do

Im going to tell @Lien about this to see if she can help (hopefully she will!)



Adrian Hussey


If you PM me the course link, I can have a look (although we don’t maintain community-created courses).

I can search for it @Lien

Unfortunately I searched for it and no such course exists. Can you show @Lien and I a link so she (and possible me :slight_smile:) can have a look at it

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Here is the link

Memrise - Login

Memrise - Login

Adrian Hussey


This just sends me to buy Pro… smh

Here it is.

Adrian Hussey


@Lien, this link always sends me to buy pro. Please help

Advanced French

This vocabulary has been taken from a number of texts from a final year translation module at university. The te…

Adrian Hussey
