
I get this in my Spanish A1 lesson:

“hicieron un sombrero amarillo y grande para ti” - “they made a big yellow hat for you”
“el sábado pasado mi amigo me hizo un vestido rosa nuevo” - “last Saturday my friend made me a new pink dress.”

Why is it that in the first instance, they say “amarillo y grande”, i.e. “a big yellow” with the “y?” and in the second instance, they say “rosa nuevo”, i.e. “new pink” without the “y?”

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I’m guessing here, pero, the first speaks to color AND size while the second
speaks of only color.

Thanks, anyway.

I think the “y” is simply a mistake, and the iem should be:

Hicieron un sombrero amarillo grande para ti.

I suggest using the “ignore” feature the next time the item comes up.

Whatf if Ido ignore the “y”, tpe the sentence without it and it gets marked as wrong?

The “ignore” feature lets you block an item from being tested. (Directions here.) If you hit “ignore” for that phrase, it will not show up for you again.

What if the word that you decide to ignore appears in an exam?

there is nothing “memrise” can do about that, @daisy2chain

but, there are plenty of Spanish courses on memrise, you can take other course anytime you wish. Good luck with your exams, btw!

I am not doing an exam, Hydroopte but thank you anyway forwishing me good luck.
I was asking hypothetically what haopens if a word that you chlose tomignoew may pop upmi n An exam or anywhere unexpectedly.

That’s a good question. You wouldn’t want to ignore an item just because it was hard to learn. But in this case, you’ve clearly shown that you understand the basic concept of how to build the sentence, and it sounds like you know the vocabulary. So don’t let it get in the way of your learning.

The conjunction y is used to separate two descriptive adjectives used together when both adjectives modify the noun in the same manner.

un hombre bajo y nervioso

However, if one of adjectives forms a single unit or concept with the noun, a second adjective is considered to be modifying the entire concept and no conjuction is used.

un instrumento musical grande

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Thanks, lurajane.