Adding word to a level doesn't reliably search for existing words

Hi there,

Something I’ve found while trying to add vocab to my course, is that I’m not reliably shown existing words in the database.

For example, I typed in がっこう, I get a list of words in the database.

However, I was pretty sure that I had がっこう in there, so I searched for “school” in the English column.

There it is! So I went to the database and did a search for がっこう…

It’s there too, but it’s the 8th result, but while adding words only 5 options are shown. I imagine only the first 5 results are returned as options to pick from, but it’s not returning the most accurate 5 results! This issue is compounded by the fact that it’s nearly impossible to track down duplicated words and merge them together in a course. So if you don’t happen to see the existing word in your list of 5, you have a painful discovery to make down the track when it comes time to try to replace the duplicate usage.

If anybody has any suggestions for reliably finding words, as well as finding and fixing duplicate entries, I’d love to hear them!

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Maybe it is because it is not an language with letters, but with characters, I think it will search for the characters but not in a specific order, the computer is not as acurate with translating as a human because it is only doing what the codes say and can’t think wich word should be an better suggestion, something like google translate or other translating websites/apps.

As a suggestion to solve this problem you could search not for the full word but only the first 4 letters or something like that. When you have a small cours there are not as many words that you have to search trough.
If this doesn’t work you could try some commands on your own device, I got a chromebook so if I press ctrl+g there will be a second search bar where you can find specific words, the only thing you have to do is to open the levels you want to search trough, and type the word in the second bar. I hope this will help you.

Adding words have never worked properly nor the searches. If anything, it’s worse now than before. I’ve given up hoping for improvements but it still annoys me when the program chooses to add words from someone else’s database when they are clearly not the same because the columns don’t coincide, for example.