Accidentally quitting sessions with backspace

When I make a mistake while typing, I press backspace to erase the letters in the typing field. Sometimes I don’t notice that I don’t have a typing field selected and the browser’s default functions get activated instead of deleting what I thought I had written. By default, backspace brings you back to the most recently visited page unless you’re typing into a box. So by pressing backspace, it instead quits my session.

Does anybody know how to get around this?

If it’s relevant, I’m using a macbook pro and Chrome. The backspace key actually says “delete” on it but I didn’t want to confuse the windows users out there.

This is one of the results of the Google search disable backspace key as back button:

For me, when I’m learning and I accidentally hit “backscape” to go back a page, it shows a confirmation prompt asking me if I really want to quit my current learning session. Does it not do that for you?

For some reason, it doesn’t in this case. I do get that prompt when I press the X button but that’s the only time when I really don’t need it. The backspace key ignores it and just quits my session.

@ Arete_Hime Thanks for your suggestion but I was really hoping for something a lot less obtrusive. I am willing to change my setting a little bit but I’m not willing to download software to do it.

Interesting. I just tried it and when I hit backspace, it prompts me before leaving the page, but I’m also using Opera.