Accented letters in Spanish

Hello all,
I’m sure I’ve made a really basic mistake here, but I’ve created a number of Welsh language courses for myself, and I’m always offered the range of accented letters on pages that require you to type in your own answer - principally ê, ŵ and ŷ in Welsh. And if you miss the accent (type “ty” instead of “tŷ”), you’re marked wrong. Now I’ve helped my son create a Spanish vocabulary course under his own user, and the pick-your-own accented letters don’t appear, and “anos” is accepted as correct where the answer should be “años”. Can anyone advise, or point me to another thread on the same topic - I wouldn’t be surprised if there were one already.

Hi @byrdnuts,

You just need to add the in-browser keyboard. You’ll find a link to the ‘how to’ piece in this other topic: How to create a course with tibetan on-screen keyboard?

Good luck!

Also: anos being accepted instead of años has to do with the “strictness” of your course. You can choose this on the same tab where you find the keyboard (3rd box from the top):

Thanks for that, alanh and Foorgol. Problems solved now. I really don’t remember having to do that with my Welsh courses - although memory is an increasingly unreliable instrument these days.

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