Several times (lots) I have noticed that when I go to review Learn with Locals (having completed all the Italian levels months ago) and even many items before, it is greyed out as if I have none to review.
If I do any other exercise and quit that once I have done one item, then go back, it shown me the correct number of items to be reviewed and I can undertake a session.
I am not sure if this is the first time of the day in doing this or if it is after having had to log out (eg because another course has not updated).
This has been going on for a long time and I thought I ought to flag it up as a BUG.
I’m on version 2022.3.23.0.
If I go to the store it says latest version updated 24 Mar 2022 but it does not say update.
IF the problem is when I have logged out and back in, then it’s similar to the other problem I reported a long time ago, that sometimes it thinks I’m at level 1 (on my shield) and not 15.